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HTML Quick Revision Notes

HTML(Web Application)

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* World Wide Web: It is a system of sharing interlinked hypertext documents over the internet.
*URL: It stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the unique identifier for the web page. The URL of the document page appears in the address bar of the web browser. The most general form of URL is as follows;
protocol;//domain name/<directory path>/<object name>

*HTML: It is a markup language used to create an HTML document, and an HTML document defines the web page. Any HTML document contains at least three elements:
1. <HTML></HTML>

HTML is of two types:

1.Container element:  It is specified by a pair tag star and end. These tags are also called on and off tags.
2. Empty Element:  It has only a start tag and no end tag.

HTML element : It is an container element start by <HTML> and ended  by </HTML>.  It identify the document as an HTML document.

~ <Head> : It  is  a container element. It defines the HTML  document header and does not affect the document's appearance in the web browser window.

~ <Title>: It is a container element. Every HTML document should contain the title to be displayed in the bar of the browser window.

~ <body> : It is a container element. It contains the main content of the document as parameters. The body tag contains many attributes.
Attributes are: 
1. Body: It is used to specify the path and file name of the image that has to be used as the document's background.
2. BgColor: It sets the colour of the background of the body.
3. Text: It sets the colour of the text of the document.
4. Link: This sets the colour of the non-visited link.
5. Vlink: This sets the colour of the visited link on the web page. The default colour is purple.
6. A link: This sets the colour of the active link on the page. The default colour is red.  

~ <Paragraph> : It is an container element started by <p> tag and ended by </p> tag. This element is used to start a new paragraph before a first line. 
 Attributes are :
1.Align: It specifies the horizontal alignment of the paragraph. Any of the alignments are the centre, left, and right.
2. Lang: It specifies the language in which the paragraph is to be displayed.

~<HR>: It is an empty element and draws a horizontal rule across the document.
Attributes are :
1.Align: It specifies the horizontal rule alignment.
2. No shade: It produces a solid horizontal rule that has no shading.
3. Size: It defines the thickness of the horizontal rule. The thickness is specified in numbers of pixels. 
4. Width: It defines the horizontal width of the line.
5. Color: It defines the colour of the horizontal rule.

~<BR>: It is an empty element. It forces a line break.

 Formatting element :
1.Text Heading: It is a container element specified by <Hn> where 'n' is a natural number from 1 to 6. It is used to fix section heading.
2. <b> : It is an container element started by <b tag and ended by </b>. It is used to display the text enclosed within the tag in bold form.
3. <i>: It is a container element used to display the enclosed text in an italic form.
4. <u>: It is a container element used to underline the text.

Image element: This is an empty element specified by the <IMG> tag. It is used to insert an image on a  web page.
Attributes are : 
1. SRC: It specifies the border of the image to be inserted.
2. Border: It is used to make the border around the image.
3. Height: It specifies the height of the image.

<img scr="url", attribues>

Font element : It is a container element stared by <font> and ended by </font>.It is used to add style,size and color to the text.
Attributes are :
1. Face: It is used to specify the name of the font.
2. Size: It is used to specify the font size. The size is b/w 1 to 7.
3. Color : It sets the color of the text. for example:
<font face='calbiry" size=4, color="blue"> AnswerPicker </font> 

List element :

1. Unorder List :  It is an container element started by <ul> and ended by </ul>. It displays a bulleted list.
Attributes are :
Type: It defines the type of bullet used for each list item. The value can be circle, square, and disc.

2. Order List : It is an container element started by <ol> and ended by </ol>. It is used to display a number list.
Attributes are :
Type: It defines the type of numbering sequence used for the list item.
Start: It indicates the starting numbering of the list. 

3. Nested List : It occurs when we put one list inside the list. For example:
<ol type=1>
<li> Input Devices </li>
<ul type="circle">
<li> Keyboard</li>
Output Devices </li>
<ul type="square">

Table element : 

Attributes are :
1.Align: It specifies the horizontal alignment of the table.
2. BgColor: It sets the background colour of the table.

<TH> : It is an container element started by <TH> and ended by</TH>. It is used to create the header value of the table.
Attributes are :
Align :  Center/left/Right
VAlign :  Top/Center/Bottom

<TR> : It is a container element started by <TR> and ended by </TR>. It is used to define table rows.
Attributes are :
bg color

<TD> : It is a container element started by <TD> and ended by </TD>. It is used to define the text in a cell of a table. 

Form element : It is a container element started by <form> and ended by </form>. It is sent when the form is submitted.
Attributes are :
Name: This specifies the name of the form of action. It specifies the URL where the form data is sent when the form is submitted. 
Method: This specifies the form data is to be submitted. Form data can be submitted using the method get or post.

Input element : It is an empty element specified by </Input>. It is used to provide an input file in a  form where the user can enter the data. An input may be a text field, checkbox,radio-button, and more.
Attributes are :

1.Type: It determines the field type of input field to be provided in the form field. Type can be one of the following :

2. Name: It specifies the name of the field.

3.Value: It specifies the text to be displayed on the field.

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