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OLED Technology Explained as Simplest Possible | OLED TV | OLED PANEL |



Stands for "Organic Light Emitting Diode" and is pronounced, "oh-led." OLED is a type of flat-screen display similar to an LCD that does not require a backlight. Instead, each LED within an OLED panel lights up individually.

An OLED screen has six layers that work together to produce color images.

How does an OLED work?

OLEDs display light using a process called electrophosphorescence. While this may sound like an intimidating term, the process is relatively simple.

When current is passed through the emissive layer, the atoms produce light, and then that light is passed through the six different layers which make a color. 

What is the emissive layer??

At the atomic level, a layer where electrons are missing.

When current passed through the emissive layer, those missing electrons come to their usual place and then produce light.

Remember organic here doesn't mean by use of natural substances or eco friendly. 😂

It simply means any compounds which contain Carbon-Hydrogen bonds that are mainly found in living beings.

OLED's successor is already available, which is POLED, but it is not available at the commercial level.

PHOLED is the successor of POLED on which companies are currently working.

See PHOLED is coming soon and still in India many people are using CRT TVs.

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