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Aadipurush Movie Is Not a Flop?

Aadipurush Movie Is Not a Flop But a Disaster.

 Aadipurush is a movie that many people were looking forward to. It was directed by Om Raut and released on June 16, 2023. The movie tells the story of Raghava, who is a character from the famous Ramayana tale. He goes on a mission to save his wife, Janaki, from the evil Lankesh. People were really excited to see this modern version of the story.

Expectations and Hype:

Before the movie came out, there was a lot of excitement and hype. People saw teasers and heard about it on social media. They expected the movie to have amazing visuals and a great story. Everyone was hoping for a fantastic cinematic experience.

Reality: A Disappointing Flop:

Unfortunately, Aadipurush didn't meet people's expectations. It turned out to be a disappointment. Many critics and viewers didn't like certain things about the movie. They didn't think the visual effects and costumes were good. Some people made funny memes on Twitter, expressing their disappointment. The movie didn't give them the kind of experience they were hoping for.

The storytelling in the movie also didn't work well. The story didn't connect with the audience, and they didn't feel emotionally involved. The screenplay, which is the way the story is written for the screen, didn't capture their attention. As a result, the movie didn't succeed in entertaining the viewers.


In the end, Aadipurush didn't live up to the high expectations. Despite the excitement and anticipation, the movie disappointed many people. The visual effects, costumes, and storytelling didn't impress the audience. It's important to remember that not all movies can be successful, and sometimes they don't turn out the way we hope.

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