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How do people become Millionaire Just by posting short videos?

 Story of Snapchat where people become a millionaire

  • The story beings when every single competitor of Snapchat started its own story feature. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and all other social media replicated the story feature of Snapchat to earn more attention on the platform.  
  • To compete against their own replica of story feature with all other social media, In near the end of 2020 Snapchat launched Spotlight. Spotlight is a feed of videos under 60 seconds long which was kinda similar to Ticktock.

  • However, after the launch of spotlight Instagram, YouTube and others started to launch the same thing with reels, shorts, and others. 

  • Once again to compete against the feature of the same new feature of its other social media, Snapchat introduced a chance to earn $1M within a day to its users or content creators.

  • In Snapchat, all videos are equal since the income is generated from Snapchat itself, not by advertisement. The video about dancing is equally tried to the video singing so instead of paying creators proportionally for the number of views their video gets, there is a daily price found, and the videos that get the most views per day split the daily prize between them.

  • The videos which get more than several hundred thousand views highly have a chance to get lump-sum payments of thousands and thousands of dollars and this was the reason for people that haven't heard about Snapchat's spotlight, people want to keep this secret because more people means more competition and having a less chance to being at the top of the day.

  • In the early stages when fewer people knew about it, there were reports of users earning over a hundred thousand dollars for a post. This amount is more than the salary of the average person earned after continuing efforts of two years.

  • The Snapchat Algorithm is kinda similar to ticktock, in which a random video can go viral if you have zero followers. With this algorithm, you could earn thousands of dollars and viral videos just in one day.

  • After analyzing the behavior of the algorithm people started to post reposting the original videos of them and others too just to earn more effortlessly. When people started to repost the content from other places like ticktock becoming rich from stolen content become very common as it required very little effort or no effort at all. These practices do also exist for platforms also, and they won't be going away in the future, the research says.

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