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The Mind-blowing History of Spotify | Exclusive on AnswerPicker |

 The Rise Of Spotify

  • Daniel Ek was the founder of Spotify and he founded it at the age of 23.

  • at the age of 13, he started his first business. It was for delivering and creating websites.

  • charges starting from $100 to $5000.

  • his first employees were his friends from his own school.

  • and htried to open many other businesses also. He also tried to compete with Google by making his own Engine but he quickly abandoned the idea when he realized competing with Google wasn't a wise move.

  • However he was going to try a bunch of different Business ideas most of which never worked out but at the age of 20, he sold a business estimated worth $1M to Trade Doubler.

  • and after the successful sale estimated a$1M, he decided to use the money to focus on something bigger where he wanted to revolutionize the music industry. 

  • Napster was extremely popular at that time which allowed people to easily share files which meant people were sharing mp3 music files completely free. At that time similar applications also popped up like Kazaar, LimeWire, and sites like pirate bay. All of this was having a very negative impact on the music industry, sales were declining every single year so he figured out a solution to create a new service that was even better than Napster. 

  • He planned to set up an app where people around the world can play music instantly and that would be legal as it would be funded with ads and a percentage of ads revenue would go to the artists thus the initial idea for Spotify was born.

  • Daniel teamed up with a friend called Martin who become Spotify's Co-founder and together in 2006 they tried to negotiate companies for licensing deals for music rights.

  • Initially, a Spotify team downloaded hundreds of thousands of songs illegally so they could work on developing Spotify and create a working prototype filled with music because they couldn't the music industry how well their product worked without actually building it but they couldn't build it without the music so pirated millions of thousands of songs for free.

  • Within a few months, they created the first version of Spotify and it was genuinely pretty brilliant. They designed it so that the music files were essentially downloaded in small pieces whilst you were listening to the song which meant there was no waiting for it to start.

  • Once they build the platform they sent the beta version, and everyone who used it loved it.

  • They tried to explain the concept of earning from ads serving after providing free songs to companies but they were denied so they decided to launch the paid version of Spotify where they charge a monthly fee for a fixed price.

  • In October 2008 Spotify officially launched and after launched they started to remove the whole pirated content from their service.

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